International Standards for Archival Descriptions and Corporate Bodies

Teaching Staff: Drakakis Manolis, Kavvadia Alexandra
Course Code: ARC100
Field: General Core
Course Category: General Background
Course Type: Compulsory
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: Greek
Delivery method: Face to face
Semester: 3rd
Total Hours: 5
Short Description:

Knowledge of the following International Standards, approved by the International Council on Archives (ICA), translated by the Hellenic Archival Society (HAE) and available on its website (Source:

  1. Archives Description - ICA (C): International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description).
  2. Standardised producer records - ISAAR (CPF): International Standard Archival Authority Records for Corporated Bodies, Persons and Families (ISAAR (CPF):International Standard Archival Authority Records for Corporated Bodies, Persons and Families).
  3. Description of institutions - ISDIAH: International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings.
  4. Description of Functions - ISDIAH: International Standard for Describing Functions (ISDF: International Standard for Describing Functions)

A full understanding of the basic archival terms and concepts included in the fields of the above International Standards.

The laboratory part includes the in-depth analysis of the fields of the above International Standards and the practice and familiarization of students in their use with detailed examples and exercises, on which students will participate in the formation of meanings, in drawing conclusions and possible proposals for the usefulness and evolution of the Standards.

Objectives - Learning Outcomes:

• To provide students with specialized knowledge of internationally applied Description Standards with emphasis on their standardization in order to achieve interoperability in the global environment of information management, processing and transformation into knowledge.

• To present and analyse: (a) the basic standards for archival information management and (b) the technological background which defines the ways in which the exchange and interoperability - interconnection of archival information with information produced by other organisations and communities with which archival services are directly linked.

• To understand the need to use and apply the International Description Standards as common rules, methods and language for communication and cooperation in order to achieve international compatibility and thus a creative perspective in the field and in the world of archives, their managers and researchers.


The course structure will include twelve (12) teaching units and one (1) unit of discussion, questions, conclusions. These modules are structured as follows:

Week 1: Introductory lesson on the use, application and usefulness of the International Description Standards in the context of interoperability. The basic rules and principles underlying all International Standards are analysed.
Laboratory: The design, structure and application in archival practice of the following International Standards for: a) standardization of archival records, b) description of entities related to archival descriptions (creators of records, archival institutions, archival functions,
aiming at uniformity of archival descriptions).

Week 2: The General International Standard Archival Description (General) (ISAD (G)), as a set of rules defining the elements of the description fields of an archive, to ensure physical and intellectual control of the contents of the archive (or its subdivision) and knowledge of its necessary metadata (Part 1/2).
Laboratory: Examples of archival description sheets and encoding of archival data in an ISAD Standard (G) field form (Part 1/2).

Week 3: The General International Standard Archival Description (General) (ISAD (G)), as a set of rules defining the elements of the description fields of an archive, to ensure physical and intellectual control of the contents of the archive and knowledge of its necessary
metadata (Part 2/2).
Laboratory: Encoding integrated archival descriptions in the ISAD (G) Standard (Part 2/2).

Week 4: The International Standard Archival Authority Records for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families (ISAAR (CPF)) which defines the elements of the description fields related to the producers of the records, which may be collective bodies or individuals or
families (Part 1/2).
Laboratory: Examples of archival record forms and coding of data in a field form of the ISAAR - CPF Standard (Part 1/2).

Week 5: The International Standard Archival Authority Records for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families (ISAAR (CPF)) which defines the elements of the description fields related to the producers of records, which may be collective bodies or individuals or families (Part 2/2).
Laboratory: Coding of completed records in a field form of the ISAAR - CPF Standard (Part 2/2).

Week 6: The International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings (ISDIAH), which is utilized to describe archival institutions with archival holdings themselves (Part 1/2).
Laboratory: Examples of descriptions of archival preservation institutions and coding of data in a field form of the Standard (International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings, ISDIAH) (Part 1/2).

Week 7: The International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings (ISDIAH), which is used to describe archival institutions with archival holdings themselves (Part 2/2).
Laboratory: Encoding of comprehensive descriptions of archival institutions into a field form of the International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings (ISDIAH) (Part 2/2).

Week 8: The International Standard for Describing Functions (ISDF), which defines the elements of the description fields for the functions of collective institutions that result in the production of archival records (Part1/2).
Laboratory: Coding of function description elements of collective bodies in the International Standard for Describing Functions (ISDF) (Part1/2).

Week 9: The International Standard for Describing Functions (ISDF), which defines the elements of the description fields for the functions of collective organs that result in the output of the records (Part2/2).
Laboratory: Encoding of complete function descriptions of collective bodies in the International Standard for Describing Functions (ISDF) (Part2/2).

Week 10: The International Council on Archives: constitution, function, purpose, role and perspectives.
Laboratory: Special cases of applications of International Descriptive Standards.

Week 11: The Hellenic Archival Society (HRA) and its significant contribution to the field of International Standards.
Laboratory: Exercises aimed at understanding International Standards as uniform international archival tools for access and research.

Week 12: Organization of an event with a special lecturer in the context of training on the adoption of international standards and their application in archival practice. (Laboratory included in the event).

Week 13: Summary of the material and analysis of obscure elements of the material.
Laboratory: Final explanations of fields and elements of the International Description Standards.

Suggested Bibliography:

Giannakopoulos Giorgos, Boudouri Vassiliki, Introduction to Archaeonomy. [e-book], Association of Greek Academic Libraries Athens, 2015, available at:

Bamidis Nestor: Interpretative Dictionary of Archival Terminology, Hellenic Archival Society, Historical Archive of Commercial Bank, Athens, 2010. Papatheodorou Christos, Seminar, Archival Standards and Management on the World Wide Web. The Archive can be found in the course folder in the open e class of the Ionian University.

APEx - Archives Portal Europe network of excellence, Work Package 4 (2013, May). EAG 2012: Encoded Archival Guide. Retrieved November 13, 2014 from APEX: images/docs/EAG_2012_guide_2013-05-27.pdf.

CBPS - Subcommittee on Descriptive Standards. (2004) ISAAR (CPF): International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families (2nd edition). International Council on Archives.

CBPS - Subcommittee on Descriptive Standards. (2007) ISDF: International Standard for Description of Functions (1st edition). International Council on Archives.

CBPS - Subcommittee on Descriptive Standards. (2008). ISDIAH: International Standard for the Description of Institutions with Archival Holdings (1st edition). International Council on Archives.

Desantes, B. (2006). The Encoded Archival Guide (EAG) DTD and the Censo-Guía de los Archivos de España e Iberoamérica Project: an electronic guide to Spanish and Iberoamerican archives. Journal of Archival Organization, 3(2-3), pp. 23-38.

Desantes, B. (2009). The DTD EAG (coded archival guide). Retrieved November 13, 2014, from,

Feliciati Pierluigi (ed.) SIAS, Sistema Informativo degli Archivi di Stato. linee Guida alla descrizione e alla gestione del partimonio documentario, ICAR, 2006.

Fox, M. J., Sibille, C., & Stocking, W. (2004). Advantages of EAD (Encoded Archival Description (EAD): A Tool for Interchange of Archival Descriptions. In Proceedings of the Internationaler Archivkongress 2004, Archive, Gedachtnis und Wissen (23-29 August, Vienna, Austria).

Grimoüard, C. S.-d. (2012, August 21-24). Implementation of EAC-CPF (Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, Families") in France: towards the development of national archival authorities. Retrieved May 21, 2014, from Proceedings of the 17th
International Congress on Archives, Brisbane:

Hensen, S. L. (Ed.). (1983). Archives, personal papers, and manuscripts : a cataloging manual for archival repositories, historical societies, and manuscript libraries. Washington, DC: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. International Council on Archives. (2000).

ISAD(G): International Standard Archival Description, available from: (G).

International Council on Archives, ISAAR (CPF): International Standard Archival Authority Records for Corporated Bodies, Persons and Families, Available from: international-standard-archival-authority-record-corporate-

International Council of Archives, ISDF: Available from:

International Council on Archives, ISDIAH: International Standard for Describing Institutions with Archival Holdings,

New Technologies:

The teaching material (use of Power Point slides and multimedia material from the World Wide Web, e-mail) will be posted and made available to students on the asynchronous tele-education platform open e Class, relevant to this course.

Evaluation Methods:

The course examination includes a) a written examination of the theoretical part of the course and b) a written descriptive exercise according to one of the above International Standards. The final grade will be the average of the two grades.


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