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Living and studying for one or two semesters at a university abroad, within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme, is not limited to the simple acquaintance of the student with another European university. The student making use of the mobility programme has almost all the rights and obligations of the normally registered students of the host university. He/she participates in the courses, assignments and examinations chosen with the help and agreement of the relevant professors of the home and host universities.

The credits that the student accumulates at the host university are transferred and consolidated at the University of Origin. This system aims to ensure common procedures for the academic recognition of studies provided to students moving between different European educational institutions in the context of European educational programmes. ECTS is in principle based on mutual trust through bilateral agreements between the partner institutions. ECTS is directly related to the learning agreement signed between the home institution, the host institution and each individual student. This agreement specifies the programme of study that the student will follow at the host institution. A prerequisite for the existence of an agreement is information on the courses offered by the collaborating institutions. The tripartite agreement, which was mentioned above, safeguards the credits accumulated by the student during his/her studies at the host institution since the home institution is obliged to recognise them. Each university department participating in ECTS is obliged to publish any information brochure-Study Guide in more than one European language on the courses it offers and the credits corresponding to each of them. Students moving within the ECTS framework are guaranteed full recognition of the academic work they have successfully completed at any ECTS member university. They can transfer these credits from one University to another, based on a prior learning agreement between the home institution, the host institution and the student. Thus, when the student returns to the home institution after having attended the host institution(s), he/she transfers the credits acquired there. The adoption of the European Credit Transfer System by the Ionian University offers clear advantages to its students. In order to be awarded a degree, a student must accumulate at least 60 credits in each year of study. Students within the programme must accumulate at least 30 credit hours per semester during their studies at the host university.


More information can be found in the ECTS brochure, available from the Office of International and Inter-University Relations of the Ionian University at the Ionian Academy (tel. 0030-26610-87129, 87130) and from ERASMUS+ BUREAU, 70, Rue Montoyer, 13-1040 Bruxelles, tel. 0032-2-2330111, fax 0032-2-2330150.

The ECTS credit units

The credit unit is a measure of the student's workload, which normally represents the energy required to successfully participate, attend and pass an examination in a course offered. The basic allocation of credit hours is 60 credits per academic year. It is understood that the credit is registered in the student's record as soon as he or she successfully completes the requirements of the course, which may include participation in seminars, lectures, library studies, field research, etc. It should be noted that all ECTS courses are regular courses of the partner institutions, as are those normally attended by their own students.

Students moving within the ECTS framework are guaranteed full recognition of the academic work they have successfully completed at any ECTS member university. They can transfer these credits from one University to another, based on a prior learning agreement between the home institution, the host institution and the student. Thus, when the student returns to the home institution after having attended the host institution(s), he/she transfers the credits acquired there.

The main advantage of this system is that it involves the transfer and accumulation of credits and that it is available to all students and not only to those participating in exchange programmes.

In our Department, the following correspondence will apply to the implementation of the ECTS programme in the undergraduate programme: Four (4) ECTS credits for each course of the category "Compulsory" and "Compulsory Elective" except for the Foreign Language courses which will be credited with two (2), eight (8) for the Final Year Thesis and sixteen (16) for the Compulsory Practical Training. The 8 ECTS points of the Thesis are distributed as follows: 4 ECTS points in the seventh semester and 4 ECTS points in the eighth semester. The 16 ECTS points of the internship are distributed as follows: 8 ECTS points in the sixth semester and 8 ECTS points in the eighth semester.


Responsible Staff

  • Dr Ioannis Karras, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation, tel:26610 87214, email: Foundation Coordinator
  • Dr Stavros Vlizos, Associate Professor, tel: 26610 87428, email: Coordinator of the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology for ERASMUS+
  • Dr Myrto Malouta, Assistant Professor, tel:26610 87445, email: Deputy Coordinator of the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology for ERASMUS+
  • Dionysia Karvouni tel:26610 87129, email:, Head of the Department of International and Public Relations
Updated: 02-12-2021

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