Museums and Social media
Teaching Staff: Tzanavaris Spyros
Course Code: MUS530
Field: Museology
Course Category: Specific Background
Course Type: Elective
Course Level: Undergraduate
Course Language: Greek
Delivery method: Face to face
Semester: 8th
Total Hours: 4
E Class Page:
The course "Museum and Social media" is an elective course of the 8th semester of studies, part of the courses of the Digital Stream. The course deals with the connections of museums and social media, and in particular with the role of social media in the operation of the modern museum. There is an attempt to approach social media as a means of enriching visitors' experiences and involvement in museum exhibitions in the real and digital world. We discuss issues relating to the creation and maintenance of social profiles, the creation, maintenance and renewal of museum blogs, the connection of social media with synchronous and asynchronous elearning, the contribution of social media to participatory planning of museum exhibitions, activities and programmes.
Upon successful completion of the course students are expected to:
- understand the relationship between museums and social media,
- have the ability to analyze museum activities on social media,
- understand, analyze, evaluate and plan museum activities using social media,
- combine museum social media with the capabilities and the opportunities of synchronous and asynchronous elearning.
Week #1: Museums & Social media: The relationship and interaction of museums with social media.
Week #2: Potential Learning Communities (PKM): Definition, analysis, methodology and applications.
Week #3: Users’ and social network profiles: Social media, users and management.
Week #4: Virtual museums: Definition and description of virtual museums.
Week #5: Analysis of speech and activities in social media and potential communities: Applications and perspectives of public discourse and activities on social media and potential communities.
Week #6: Museums, ICT and learning - Lifelong learning - Distance learning, e-learning: The educational role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Week #7: Implementation Technologies: Tools for the implementation of museum social media.
Week #8: Visit to Museum & Assignment of Group Presentations: A group visit to a museum to bring students into direct contact with the subject matter of the course.
Week #9: Copyright - privacy: Information security on social networks.
Week #10: Examples - evaluation - proposals: museum / cultural websites and social networking (I)
Week #11: Examples - evaluation - proposals: museum / cultural websites and social networking (II)
Week #12: Examples - evaluation - proposals: museum / cultural websites and social networking (III)
Week #13: Group Presentations: Group presentations (15-minute group presentation and 5-10 minute for questions / discussion).
- Arias, Maria Paula "Instagram Trends: Visual Narratives of Embodied Experiences at the Museum of Islamic Art." MW2018: Museums and the Web 2018. Published January 14, 2018.
- Bailey Hogarty, Sarah, Jennifer Knox White and James Provenza. "The next generation of digital publishing: Integrated strategies for online scholarly content at SFMOMA." MW2018: Museums and the Web 2018. Published January 16, 2018.
- Burbary, K. (2011), Facebook Demographics Revisited – 2011 Statistics. statistics-2/
- Dahlquist, Sofia. "What happened here? Explore the history of Stockholm with your smartphone." MW2018: Museums and the Web 2018. Published February 7, 2018.
- Gates, J. (2012), “Clearing the Path for Sisyphus: How Social Media is Changing Our Jobs and Our Working Relationships.” In Conversations with Visitors: Social Media in Museums. Ed MuseumsEtc Ltd, 92-107. Edinburgh: Hudson House, 2012.
- Gorgels, P. (2018), "Rijksmuseum mobile first: Rijksstudio Redesign and the new Rijksmuseum app." MW2018: Museums and the Web 2018. Published January 14, 2018.
- Howes, D.S. 2007. Why the Internet Matters: A Museum Educator’s Perspective. In The digital museum: A think guide, edited by Herminia Din and Phyllis Hecht, 67-78. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums.
- Humphris, Sarah. “Facebook: how it works for us, from the perspective of a small heritage organization.” December 12,2013.
- Magkafa, Dimitra, and Nigel Newbutt. "The process of involving children with autism in the design of a museum-based app." MW2018: Museums and the Web 2018. Published January 19, 2018.
- Meyers Emery, Kate, Hannah Barry and . "#MuseumLove: Working together to promote local cultural institutions." MW2017: Museums and the Web 2017. Published February 1, 2017.
- Rao, Seema and Robert Stein. "To journey in Twitter canoes: Methods to understand the mechanisms and meaning in Twitter conversations." MW2018: Museums and the Web 2018. Published February 6, 2018.
- Richardson J. (2011), Creating social media guidelines for a museum,
- Stewart, E. (2012), “Developing A Social Media Strategy.” In Conversations with Visitors: Social Media in Museums. Ed MuseumsEtc Ltd, pp. 12-33. Edinburgh: Hudson House, 2012.
- Μούλιου, Μ., (2010). Μουσεία Πόλεων και Διαδικτύου την εποχή του Web0, Τετράδια Μουσειολογίας, 7, σ. 74-80.
- Μπαντιμαρούδης, Φ. (2011). Πολιτιστική Επικοινωνία. Οργανισμοί, θεωρίες, μέσα, Εκδόσεις Κριτική: Αθήνα.
- Μπούνια, Α. (υπό έκδοση). Ψηφιακός Πολιτισμός, Πολιτιστικές Βιομηχανίες και Μουσεία, στο Παπαδάκη, Ει. και Θεοδοσίου, Σ. (επιμ.), Τεχνοπολιτισμός και Πολιτιστικές Βιομηχανίες, εκδόσεις Νήσος: Αθήνα.
- Παυλίδης, Π. (2000). Πολιτισμική Επικοινωνία, Αθήνα: Εξάντας.
- Lecture with participatory discussion
- Study material on e-learning platform
- Case studies - discussion
- Group work - presentation
- Educational visit
- Group presentation (50%) - compulsory
- Unseen examination (50%) - compulsory
- Reflective Journals - Optional action to evaluate the learning process
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