8th International Conference on Information Law (ICIL) 2018 - Updated with news

Posted: 13-06-2018 11:04 | Updated: 22-11-2018 10:56 | Views: 5225
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Νews and Provisional Program on ICIL 2018 organized by the Ionian University, the University of Antwerp, the KU University of Leuven and the University of Ghent, on December 13th and 14th, 2018

ICIL 2018 “Modern Intellectual Property Governance and "Openness" in Europe: A Long and Winding Road?” is organized by the University of Antwerp (Research Group Government and Law and ACTORE Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence), the Ionian University (Greece), the KU Leuven (Centre for IT and IP Law (CiTiP) and the University of Ghent. ICIL 2018 Website https://icil.gr/2018/

Maria Bottis, Associate Professor of the Ionian University and founder of the ICIL conference series, is Co-organizer of the conference, and Paper Co-Chair.

ICIL first took place in Corfu, at the Ionian Academy, in 2008, chaired and co-chaired by Maria Bottis ever since.

This 2-day event is packed with fascinating keynote lectures, panel discussions and parallel sessions.

Keynoters are leading IP scholars Prof. dr. Peter Drahos, Prof. dr. Severine Dusollier and Prof. dr. Bernt Hugenholtz. They will present findings of their ongoing research and critical reflections on the international and European IP system. The ongoing debate on the European Copyright Package will be one of the key discussion topics. All keynote lectures are followed by panels consisting of stakeholders, officials from EU institutions and academic discussants. The parallel sessions cover all topics that are currently a core concern for legislators, policymakers, practitioners and academics, including privacy and the operationalization of the GDPR, artificial intelligence and blockchainPlan-S and ongoing heated national controversies surrounding open science continue to drive the academic debate on open access and open data and can hence not be left aside at ICIL2018. Finally, sessions on open innovation, IP strategies, R&D collaborations and trust will - apart from an academic interest - also appeal to an audience of IP practitioners.  

ICIL first took place in 2008, in Corfu, Greece, funded by the European Community. ICIL was born in relation to the graduate course “Information law and ethics”, taught at the Ionian University, in Corfu and Athens, Greece since 2005. From a conference with twenty international speakers in 2008, ICIL has reached great numbers of speakers and participants, over 130 in the last 2014 Conference in Thessaloniki, with four parallel sessions and special sessions, simultaneously hosting other major events such as Philoweb 2014.

ICIL, since 2008, has become a major international conference dealing exclusively with the legal and ethical aspects of information, co-organized by the Ionian University (School of Information Science) and the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT) and morally supported by the International Center for Information Ethics, the NEXA Center for Internet and Society and the Institute for Legal Informatics (IRI).

ICIL looks at the concept of information from a multidisciplinary point of view. Information law and ethics cover the concept of information as such and therefore, irrespective of the medium via this information is being transferred. It is, therefore, not limited to the exploration of digital information and seeks the roots of information law and ethics in the ancient Greek world of freedom of speech in agora and also even earlier, in the paintings by humans of the caves. An excellent historical presentation of the field can be found in the site of the International Center of Information Ethics ( http://icie.zkm.de/research#Historical ).

ICIL has instituted a Young Scholars Forum, aiming at helping young researchers presenting their work in an international conference. Also, it has hosted a series of Special Sessions, for example on Museum Ethics, Arts and Ethics, Libraries and Intellectual Capital Law and Cryptography and others.

ICIL has published proceedings as printed volumes, distributed or given to all ICIL speakers and INSEIT members free of charge, every year since 2009. For a list of the proceedings until today please see: http://icil.gr/2014/proceedings.

In ICIL Antwerp, the work of the two programs of the Ionian University, DALMS, Web-Li-Law, on web-archiving, and The New Law of Data Protection, on the new Regulation on data protection, will be presented. The two programs are supervised by Associate Professor Maria Bottis and will be presented by the two teams, Marinos Papadopoulos, Christos Zabakolas and Vicky Ganatsiou (WebLilaw) and Fereniki Panagopoulou-Koutnatzi, Anastasia Mihailaki and Maria Nikita (The New Law on Data Protection).


ICIL Antwerp is fully sponsored by resources outside the Ionian Iniversity.


8th International Conference on Information Law (ICIL) 2018 
Modern Intellectual Property Governance and Openness in Europe: A Long and Winding Road?
December 13th-14th, 2018, University of Antwerp, Belgium


The 8th International Conference on Information Law is co-organized by the University of Antwerp, Ionian University, KU Leuven, and Gent University. ICIL 2018 aims to further the discussion about modern governance of IPRs in Europe and to explore different perspectives on how openness could be operationalized within the context of IP protection.


The conference will examine the challenges of digitalization, collaboration, data sharing and innovation within the context of IP protection (incl. copyright protection, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, designs, etc. The focus will be on Europe, but comparative perspectives are very welcome as well. Suggested paper topics: access to research outcomes, open science, open innovation, open source, research data management and openness, open data, data sharing, Nagoya Protocol, artificial intelligence & IPRs, openness and blockchain technology (non-exhaustive list), intellectual property and contemporary issues of openness, governance of online sources, nodal governance and information technology, e-government, intellectual freedom and open science, digital divide and other.


Keynote speakers: Peter Drahos, Dusollier Severine and Bernt Hugenholtz.


Submitted abstracts of 250 words (references excluded) should be sent for review to info@icil.gr


Abstracts deadline: 15.09.2018

Notification of abstracts acceptance: 15.10.2018

Full papers deadline: 15.01.2019


Conference's official website: https://icil.gr/

Contact email: info@icil.gr

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