Call for Papers for AI ETHICS CONFERENCE in ROME 2025

Δημοσίευση: 13-12-2024 13:04 | Προβολές: 546
Έναρξη: 13-12-2024 |Λήξη: 31-12-2024

Call for Papers for AI ETHICS CONFERENCE in ROME 2025

Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE) 2025, Rome September 24-26, 2025. Τhe DEADLINE is January 1, 2025.

CEPE is held biennially, and is organized by INSEIT (the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology, directed by Professor Maria Bottis, Ionian University, and is organized for 2025 in collaboration with the Ionian University Research Team, IHRC (Information: History, Regulation and Culture, headed by Professor Maria Bottis, IU,

Conferences are held about every 24 months, alternating between Europe and the United States. The CEPE Conference will be held at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata from September, 24 to 26, 2025. The website is  The main theme will be on "Artificial Intelligence: Normative Implications and Philosophical Challenges". Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Ethical considerations in AI design, development, and deployment, Algorithmic bias and fairness in AI systems, Gender bias in designing AI systems, Privacy and data protection in the age of AI,     Legal and regulatory frameworks for AI governance, Human rights and AI ethics, AI and the future of work, Autonomous systems and moral decision-making, Philosophical foundations of AI ethics, The nature of consciousness and artificial intelligence, AI and the concept of personhood, Social implications of AI technology, Human interaction with Intelligent embodied systems, Leadership and governance of A, History of AI philosophical discussion, AI in military and warfare, ΑΙ and copyright, AI and cultural property, Cyberharrassment, Democracy and political implications of AI use, Information access and search engines and other related topics, AI in science fiction, AI and social media, ΑΙ and copyright, AI and cultural property ethics, Other topics related to risk, cybersecurity, internet studies, and the internet of things.

We welcome submissions from scholars working in philosophy, ethics, law, computer science, social science, and related disciplines. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are encouraged.

Submission Guidelines: Abstracts should be Papers should be prepared according to the APA guidelines and should not be less than 500 and not exceed 800 words. Submissions should be made through the email address by the dates written below. All submissions will undergo double-blind peer review. Important Dates: Abstract/Panel Submission Deadline: 1 January 2025

Notification of Acceptance for abstracts: 31 January 2025. Full Manuscript Due: 1 May 2025. Final notification of Acceptance for all submissions: 1 July 2025.

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Συνημμένα αρχεία
gr  doc.png  Δήλωση Ξένης Γλώσσας
Mέγεθος: 35 KB :: Τύπος: Kείμενο Word

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26610 87223

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